Friday, January 23, 2015

Writer's Tip #2 Read, Read, Read!

Hello fellow Writers, 
(Originally to be published at Tip one -- Blogger got confused.)

I'm really excited to have finally given into many wonderful friends' suggestions to 'drop a tip' now and then to encourage fellow writers. That's what this very short blog is about. I don't really get—what so many call— "Writer's Block" often, and I've written over 400 short stories, 600 poems, a few novels—though I'm finishing my first trilogy for publication now; I keep up with 4 blogs (a travel writing blog, a writer's blog, social media helps blog for Twitter, and a fiction poetry blog for a collection of poems I'm having published this year (few with syndication) and almost 2,000 non-fiction articles for various hobbies and interests. 

I'm constantly writing for myself and various other projects and, I guess, there's a few tips and exercises that I'd love to share with you. Of course, the biggest truth about being a writer is this: You must write. 

So let's break into this... 

TIP #2: A Writer Should Love to Read.
I can never understand writers who claim that they hate to read. Too many times I hear of "blocked" writers, and "would-be" writers who 'don't like to read', who claim that they are going through a creative drought. Come on! If you're not reading, why in the world do you want to be a writer. Don't just take it from me. Ray Bradbury, Stephen King, Kelley Baker (the Angry Filmmaker), Richard Matheson, C.S. Lewis, JRR Tolkien; they all say the same thing in lectures and writing essays: If you don't read, why in the world do you think you'll be a great writer? 

That said, I'm usually reading several books at the same time and the creative ideas that are constantly bursting in my mind are insane, and my mind is always a potent field for various writing projects. If you're struggling today with a "Writer's Block", kick its butt and get into a book. 


Twitter: @SamuelWConnelly

If you have a great writing tip or writing exercise that works great for you, please share. The more encouragement the better! 

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Writer's Tip #1: Ideas in Local Places

(Me: 690 Feet Underground/ Hutchinson KS / Buying Coffee) 

From where does your inspiration come?

I write a ton. Every single day I'm writing. Whether it's for one of my 4 blogs (two syndicated), submitting short fiction, poetry, or non-fiction articles for various hobbies and issues, working on my current trilogy, writing a restaurant for the city  newspaper, or interviewing filmmakers for Filmmaker In The Cloud--I'm always collecting short ideas.

That's what gave me the idea for this first writing tip.

TIP #1: Take Advantage of Local Entertainment
I was asked to come up with a unique Zombie short for a UK magazine, by an editor friend. I wasn't really in the 'Zombie' frame of mind and all my ideas had been done -- way too many times.

While writing another story for a Midwest magazine about the Hutchinson Salt Mines (Arcadia) the thought came to me: 'What would it be like to get stuck down here -- 670 feet -- underground during the apocalypse?'

I decided to call the mine's customer service line and share my story idea. A few days later I got a call back from a manager who loved the idea and gave me a free tour of the place. It was way better than I had first thought. Great ideas flooded my dreams, which resulted in a great short, and has led to the beginning of a novel WIP.

Don't ever discount your city's little hidden treasures. They just may end up being your next (several) paychecks.


Check out my Writer's site:
Twitter: @SamuelwConnelly